We write because we love words and the relief it is to just write them without worrying if they’re just right or not. So we take five minutes on Friday and write like we used to run when we were kids.
On Fridays we write like we believe we can fly. Won’t you join us? (<—Tweet this!) Today's word: Grit. Ready? Set. Go.
Years ago, When I was a junior in highschool some of my friends joined Winterguard. They handed me a flyer with the audition times and tried to get me to audition with them but I said no...I didn't really want to be in Winterguard. I put it in my backpack and forgot about it.
Later, I was talking about it to someone. I was halfway through telling them that my friends thought I should join when the person looked at me and said I would never be able to do it.
That was all it took for me to show up at the audition and prove them wrong. I practiced hard and made the team.
There were days when I wanted to quit. The thought that I would "never be able to do this" would find it's way to my mind often. But I didn't give up.
It takes courage to keep going when you feel like you can't. It's firmness of character, relentless spirit and determination.
In these situations you have the grit and determination you need to persevere. Look deep inside yourself, it's there.