Friday, February 24, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Grit

Around here we write for five minutes flat on Fridays. And link up with Lisa-Jo.

We write because we love words and the relief it is to just write them without worrying if they’re just right or not. So we take five minutes on Friday and write like we used to run when we were kids.

On Fridays we write like we believe we can fly. Won’t you join us? (<—Tweet this!) Today's word: Grit. Ready? Set. Go.

Years ago, When I was a junior in highschool some of my friends joined Winterguard. They handed me a flyer with the audition times and tried to get me to audition with them but I said no...I didn't really want to be in Winterguard. I put it in my backpack and forgot about it.

Later, I was talking about it to someone. I was halfway through telling them that my friends thought I should join when the person looked at me and said I would never be able to do it.

That was all it took for me to show up at the audition and prove them wrong. I practiced hard and made the team.

There were days when I wanted to quit. The thought that I would "never be able to do this" would find it's way to my mind often. But I didn't give up.

It takes courage to keep going when you feel like you can't. It's firmness of character, relentless spirit and determination.

In these situations you have the grit and determination you need to persevere. Look deep inside yourself, it's there.


Five Minute Friday: Awake

I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo. She calls it "Five Minute Friday" and we just write...without worrying if it’s just right or not.

For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. We let our mind and our words and our heart fly free; wild – no editing, no over thinking.

Today's topic: Awake.

Ready? Set? Go.

In the winter snow covers the ground in a blanket of white as the earth sleeps. Quietly waiting for the light and breath of spring.

I look out my bedroom window almost every morning to see the sky as the sun comes up, bold and beautiful. Wondering what the day will hold, what I will do, think and feel.

Not so long ago my soul was awakened by a trip to Thailand and the opportunity to serve others instead of myself.

Loving kids at an orphanage and separation from all things familiar forced my soul awake, no longer sleeping under the blanket of white.

After that trip so many things in me were forever changed. I look out the window as snow quietly falls...


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

(in) Real Life Conference!

Are you going? To the (in)courage (in)RL Conference? It is going to be amazing! You really don't want to miss it. And one of the great parts about this conference is that it is everywhere (in)courage readers are! You don't have to travel farther than your own city, and if you are hosting a meet-up you don't have to travel farther than your own living room!

Here are all the details you need to know:

What is (in)courage?
-It is an online community for women all over the world. We like to think of (in)courage as a beach house where everyone is welcome to come sit on the porch and chat. Every day there are posts written by women for women about things women are going through and dealing with. And the pink sprinkles on top? It's faith based. We not only walk through life as friends on (in)courage, we walk through life as sisters in Christ.

When is this Conference?
-The webcast kicks off Friday, April 27th.
-(in)RL "beach house" parties follow on Saturday, April 28th with more live (in)courage content to tune into together!
-p.s. Everyone who signs up gets a free (in)RL t-shirt and a Simply Marvelous Card pack!

That sounds awesome! How do I sign up?
-Register here. Then go here to sign up to host or attend a beach house party.

You don't have to be a blogger to attend. This conference is open to women everywhere! We would LOVE for you to join us!

Do you have more questions?
Go here for the Q & A page. The (in)courage writers have answered any question you could think of.

I can't wait for the (in)RL Conference! I hope you join us!