Friday, February 15, 2013


Linking up with Lisa-Jo for another Five Minute Friday post.  I love these posts!  She gives one word and we set a timer and write for 5 minutes.  No edits, just words from the soul.

Todays word:  Beloved.

Ready, Set. Go.

Bare feet.  Dark hair.  Beautiful eyes.

Bare feet running on grass, jumping over bushes, sliding on tile sidewalks.

Little boys with their shaved heads, Little girls with their dark hair up in several pony tails, adding little bows and clips.

Eyes that laugh.  Eyes that feel hurt.  Eyes that see where they are and wonder if they are loved.  Eyes that cry.  Eyes that love.

I wanted to scoop them up and tell them "You are loved!  You are so important!  I am proud of you!  I know you will do great things one day!  Don't give up, little one, you are LOVED!"

Though we didn't speak the same language, we did speak the same language.  The language of the heart.  With hugs and smiles and I scooped them up and tickled them until they couldn't help but explode with laughter.  Played games and held hands.  Chalk drawings on cement and dancing in the moonlight.

My feet bare, just like theirs.

My dark hair braided and up in lots of little ponytails, just like theirs.

My eyes shining with smiles and laughter, tears and hope.  Eyes that look where I am and wonder if I am wanted and loved.

That's when I feel Him bend low to scoop me up and tell me "You are loved!  You are so important!  I am proud of you!  I know you will do great things one day!  Don't give up, little one, you are LOVED!"


Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope you take 5 minutes to write today, too.



  1. Isn't it a relief to be loved like that? {I John 4:7-9}. Thanks for writing:)

    1. Definitely a relief! What powerful verses, thanks for the reminder.

  2. What a sweet picture you painted...aren't we so blessed to be loved as we are? Thank you for your words today...blessings!

  3. I love the parallel between you and you love them, and how He loves you. Such a strong image of what it feels like to be beloved. Thanks for sharing!
